TELLING OUR STORY Atlanta Business League Podcasts

LESSONS from LEADERS: Roosevelt Giles

Guest: Roosevelt Giles Season 1 Episode 8

Roosevelt Giles could only attend school, as a child, when it rained. Yet, he was such a talented technology person that a Republican billionaire from South Carolina, USA, sought him out and mentored him.  

As a result, Roosevelt became an incredible international business owner with technical skills that were so impressive that he was a keynote speaker at major conferences all of the country.   He sat on stages that also featured Microsoft computer founder, Bill Gates and the president of communications giant, AT&T.  

None of these accomplishments inflated his ego to a point where he became unapproachable.  Instead, he used his resources and contacts to help one of the most iconic African-American owned businesses in Atlanta, GA get acquired and become a company that has the potential to operate in perpetuity. 

This podcast ends by describing Roosevelt's newest challenge.  Roosevelt’s brother asked him to run a marathon in all 50 states and all 7 continents. He was successful in completing both.

Roosevelt Giles's life is incredible because it ties so many separate parts of the American story together. He dramatically demonstrates what can happen when the right sequence of events combine with specific individuals to change a person's life.  

Listening to this podcast about Roosevelt Giles may change how you think about the way the world works.